Alle Lehrveranstaltungen des Lehrstuhls für Technische Chemie
TU-Gründer*innen möchten chemische Industrie nachhaltiger gestalten

Posterpreis für Bernd Rienhoff bei der Jahrestagung FG Nachhaltige Chemie 2024

Erfolgreiches Design-Projekt zur Synthese von Glycerincarbonat

Neural Network-Based Tensor Completion: Advancing Predictions of Activity Coefficients and Beyond

Catalytic processes for the selective hydrogenation of fats and oils: reevaluating a mature technology for feedstock diversification

Posterpreis für Justus Diekamp

Hydroaminomethylation of methyl 10-undecenoate with integrated catalyst recycling via a thermomorphic multiphase system for the continuous production of renewable amines

Primary amines from alkenes and carbonyl compounds: highly selective hydrogenation of oximes using a homogeneous Ru-catalyst