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Fakultät BCI

M. Sc. Arno Windisch

Further Information about Arno Windisch

Curriculum Vitae

Arno Windisch studied chemical engineering at TU Dortmund since October 2015 and completed his bachelor's degree in December 2019 with the thesis "Accessing New Products via the Synthesis Tool Carboxytelomerization - Utilizing Highly Reactive Anhydride Intermediates" at the chair of Industrial Chemistry. Afterwards he continued with his master studies in chemical engineering, during which he spent a semester abroad through ERASMUS at Lund University in Sweden. He completed his Master thesis, titled “Investigation of Multipurpose Experiments at the example of Homogeneously Catalyzed Hydroaminomethylation on a Continuous Miniplant Scale” in September 2022 at the chair of industrial chemistry with Prof. Vogt. Since June 2023, he is working as a research associate at the laboratory of Industrial Chemistry.

Publications & Conferences

  • Riemer, T.B., Windisch, A.M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Robust and flexible continuous operation of homogeneous catalysis in thermomorphic multiphase systems − On-stream switching of substrates and reactions in amine production" Chem. Eng. J. (497) 154643, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.154643