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Fakultät BCI
Project group Renewlysis

Dr. Thomas Seidensticker

Focus of work

  • Integrated Catalyst Recycling for Continuous Processes
  • Homogeneous Catalysis for the Functionalisation of Unsaturated Oleochemicals
  • Liquid Multiphase Systems
  • Selective Product Crystallization 

Curriculum Vitae

  • 1987  born in Marl (Westf.), Germany
  • 2007-2010  Bachelor of Science, TU Dortmund University, “Hydroaminomethylation of methyl oleate with proline“ (Prof. Arno Behr and Dr. Andreas J. Vorholt)
  • 2010-2012  Master of Science, TU Dortmund University, “Nickel-catalyzed linear dimerization of isobutene” (Prof. Arno Behr)
  • 2011  Erasmus Scholarship, Research Stay at University of St. Andrews with Prof. David J. Cole-Hamilton
  • 2013-2016  Doctorate in Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat., with distinction, summa cum laude), TU Dortmund University, “Development of Catalytic Tandem Reaction Systems in the Context of Green Chemistry” (Prof. Arno Behr and Dr. Andreas J. Vorholt)
  • 2016-2017  Post-Doc, TU Dortmund University, (Prof. Arno Behr)
  • Since 2017  Junior Research Group leader, TU Dortmund University, Laboratories for Industrial Chemistry
  • 2022   Young University Teachers Award for Industrial Chemistry, awarded by DECHEMA's Education and Innovation Association.
  • 2021   Carl-Zerbe Price for Young Scientists, awarded by the Deutsche Wissen­schaft­liche Gesell­schaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK)
  • 2021   H.P. Kaufmann-Price for his work „Die Umsetzung ungesättigter Oleochemikalien zur Erzeugung nachhaltiger chemischer Zwischenprodukte mittels homogener Übergangsmetallkatalyse.“ awarded by the DGF (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft).
  • 2020  Literature Prize of the „Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)” (Chemical Industry Fund) for the textbook "Einführung in die Chemie nachwachsender Rohstoffe” 
  • 2018  Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the field of sustainable chemistry awarded by the Sustainable Chemistry Division of the GDCh
  • 2017  Award for Best Dissertation in 2016 at the Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University
  • 2013-2015  Ph.D. Chemiefond-Scholarship of „Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)”, two-year full-time scholarship
  • 2011-2012  “Deutschland-Stipendium”, Lanxess AG

Publications & Conferences

  • Behr, A. and Seidensticker, T. (2020) Chemistry of Renewables. Springer Nature: Berlin.
  • Behr, A. and Seidensticker, T. (2018) Einführung in die Chemie nachwachsender Rohstoffe: Vorkommen, Konversion, Verwendung. Springer Spektrum: Berlin.
  • Seidensticker, T. (2016) Development of catalytic tandem reaction systems in the context of green chemistry. Technische Universität Dortmund: München.
  • Bianga, J., Künnemann, K. U., Kampwerth, A., Gaide, T., Vorholt, A. J., Seidensticker, T., Dreimann, J. M., Vogt, D., Thermomorphic Multiphase Systems in Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems; Kraume, M., Enders, S., Drews, A., Schomäcker, R., Engell, S., Sundmacher, K., Eds.; 2022; Vol.1, pp. 24-31.
  • Bianga, J., Künnemann, K. U., Kampwerth, A., Gaide, T., Vorholt, A. J., Seidensticker, T., Dreimann, J. M., Vogt, D., Reaction Indicators in Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems; Kraume, M., Enders, S., Drews, A., Schomäcker, R., Engell, S., Sundmacher, K., Eds.; 2022; Vol.1, pp. 45-47.
  • Huxoll, F., Sadowski, G., Afraz, N., Petzold, M., Jokiel, M., Hecht, K., Bianga, J., Künnemann, K. U., Kampwerth, A., Gaide, T., Vorholt, A. J., Seidensticker, T., Dreimann, J. M., Vogt, D., Schlüter, S., Skiborowski, M., Thermomorphic Multiphase Systems in Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems; Kraume, M., Enders, S., Drews, A., Schomäcker, R., Engell, S., Sundmacher, K., Eds.; 2022; Vol.1, pp. 190-236.
  • Seidensticker, T. (2017) Tandem reactions with renewables. In Homogeneous Catalysis with Renewables; Behr, A., Vorholt, A. J., Eds.; pp. 107–154.
  • Behr, A.; Vorholt, A. J.; and Seidensticker, T. (2016) New trends in the catalytic functionalisation of petrochemical 1,3-dienes. In DGMK International Conference Catalysis - Novel Aspects in Petrochemistry and Refining: September 26-28, 2016, Berlin, Germany; pp. 141–152.
  • Vorholt, A. J.; Seidensticker, T.; Ostrowski, K. A.; and Behr, A. (2014) Hydroformylation - door opener to highly efficient tandem reactions to bifunctional molecules. In Preprints of the DGMK International Conference Selective Oxidation and Functionalization: Classical and Alternative Routes and Sources, October 13 - 15, 2014, Berlin, Germany: (author’s Manuscripts); Ernst, S., Ed.; pp. 47–50.

Research Papers


  • Fromme, T., Spiekermann, M. L., Lehmann, F., Barcikowski, S., Seidensticker, T., Reichenberger, S., (2025) "Preferential enrichment and extraction of laser-synthesized nanoparticles in organic phases" Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 16, 254–263, DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.16.20

  • Riemer, T. B., Kulaš, M. D., Baba, M.-A., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2025)  "Switchable Hydrophilicity Amine Product Extraction: Efficient Separation of Tertiary Amines via Carbon Dioxide-Induced Polarity Switch in Homogeneous Catalysis" ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2025, 13, 4, 1544–1553, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c07757

  • Wegener, H. W., Reichert, R., Brede, N., Gierse, A., Spiekermann, M. L., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2025) "Mechanistic Insights Into the Methoxycarbonylation of Technical Grade Oleochemicals: Catalytical and Structural Analysis of Conjugated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters" Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. e202400198 DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202400198

  • Roth T. F. H., Averbeck, T., Daalmann, M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2025) "Continuous Production of Bifunctional Platform Chemicals From Plant Oils in Water by Cyclodextrin-Mediated Hydroformylation" ChemSusChem, e202402421 DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202402421


  • Roth, T. F. H., Spiekermann, M. L., Lütkenhaus, D., Niefer, F., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "The effect of polyunsaturation – insights into the hydroformylation of oleochemicals" Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, 14, 5551-5558. DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00839A

  • Diekamp, J., Schmidt, A., Holstein, J. J., Strohmann, C., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Synthesis and catalytic testing of the first hydrophilic derivative of Shvo’s catalyst", Chem. Comm., DOI: 10.1039/D4CC04390A

  • Wegener, H. W., Diekamp, J., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "A Perspective on Aldoximes as Platform Chemicals: Rethinking C−N Bond Formation" ChemCatChem, e202401206. DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202401206

  • Riemer, T.B., Windisch, A.M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Robust and flexible continuous operation of homogeneous catalysis in thermomorphic multiphase systems − On-stream switching of substrates and reactions in amine production" Chem. Eng. J. (497) 154643, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.154643

  • Wegener, H.W., Diekamp, J., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "A Perspective on Aldoximes as Platform Chemicals: Rethinking C-N Bond Formation" Chem. Eur. J., e202401206, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202401206.

  • Ferreira, M., Bricout, H., Roth, T. F.H., Seidensticker, T., Tilloy, S., Monflier, E., (2024) "Aqueous biphasic hydroformylation and hydroaminomethylation assisted by cyclodextrins: From benchtop to industrial perspective" Catal. Today, 442, 113951, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2024.114951

  • Roth, T. F.H., Häusler, M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Advancing the aqueous biphasic hydroformylation of oleochemicals in the loop: Continuous reaction and separation using a jet-loop reactor concept" Catal. Today, 439, 114803, DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2024.114803

  • Kampwerth, A., Riemer, T. B., Pöttker-Menke, J., Oppenberg, J., Windisch, A. M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Hydroaminomethylation of methyl 10-undecenoate with integrated catalyst recycling via a thermomorphic multiphase system for the continuous production of renewable amines" RSC Sustain., 2, 1797-1808, DOI: 10.1039/D4SU00109E

  • Averbeck, T., Sadowski, G., Held, C., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Neural Network-Based Tensor Completion: Advancing Predictions of Activity Coefficients and Beyond" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 63, 28, 12648–12655, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.4c00352

  • Spiekermann, M. L., Seidensticker, T. (2024) "Catalytic processes for the selective hydrogenation of fats and oils: reevaluating a mature technology for feedstock diversification" Catal. Sci. Technol., 2024, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00488D

  • Hares, K., Wegener, H. W., Roth, T. F. H., Reichert, R., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2024) "Primary amines from alkenes and carbonyl compounds: highly selective hydrogenation of oximes using a homogeneous Ru-catalyst" Catal. Sci. Technol., Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D4CY00368C.
  • Roth, T. F. H., Kühl, A., Spiekermann, M. L., Wegener, H. W., Seidensticker,T. (2024) "Biodiesel as a Sustainable Platform Chemical Enabled by Selective Partial Hydrogenation: Compounds Outplace Combustion?!",ChemSusChem, e202400036 DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202400036.


  • Riemer, T. B., P. Lapac, P., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2023) "Stable and Continuous Production of Amines via Reductive Amination in a Green Switchable Solvent System with Efficient Water Removal" ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 11, 12959–12966, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c02320
  • Vondran, J., Moeschke, R., Deysenroth, T., Seidensticker, T., (2023) "Pushing Boundaries—Selective Cooling Crystallization as Tool for Selectivity Compensation and Product Purification Using a Recyclable Pd/Xantphos Catalyst in the Methoxycarbonylation of Methyl 10-Undecenoate", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 125, 2200126. DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202200126
  • Heider, C., Menk, M., Terhorst, M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2023) "Synthesis of Tertiary Fatty Amines in Water: The Dual Role of Dimethylamine as Reagent and Phase Mediator in the Homogeneously Catalyzed Fatty Alcohol Amination" ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 11, 31, 11359–11363, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c02764
  • Diekamp, J., Seidensticker, T., (2023) "Synthesis Strategies towards Tagged Homogeneous Catalysts To Improve Their Separation", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202304223, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202304223

  • Roth, T., Evertz, R., Kopplin, N., Tilloy, S., Monflier, E., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T., (2023) "Continuous production of amines directly from alkenes via cyclodextrin-mediated hydroaminomethylation using only water as the solvent" Green Chem., 25, 3680-3691, DOI: 10.1039/D2GC04847G

  • Kampwerth, A., Terhorst, M., Kampling, N.,  Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2023). "Synthesis of biobased amines via Pd-catalysed telomerisation of the renewable β-myrcene in a water/ethanol multiphase system: catalyst recycling enabled by a self-separating product phase". Green Chem. 25, 6345-6354, DOI: 10.1039/D3GC00453H

  • Heider, C., Winter, A., Voß, V., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2023). „Homogeneous Catalysis at its Edge: High-Temperature Ru-Catalysed Amination of Alcohols under Continuous Flow Conditions”, ChemCatChem e202201307, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202201307

  • Metzger, J. O., Biermann, U., Seidensticker, T. (2023). „Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry”, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol.  , DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202300038
  • von Vietinghoff, N., Immken, A., Seidensticker, T., de Caro, P., Thiebaud Roux, S., Agar, D. W., "Gas Introduction by Permeation into Long Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Capillaries with Slug Flow", Chem Eng Technol 46(5), 1047-1051, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.202200557


  • Vondran, J., Moeschke, R., Deysenroth, T., Seidensticker, T., (2023) "Pushing Boundaries—Selective Cooling Crystallization as Tool for Selectivity Compensation and Product Purification Using a Recyclable Pd/Xantphos Catalyst in the Methoxycarbonylation of Methyl 10-Undecenoate" Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202200126

  • Hares, K., Vogelsang, D., Wernsdörfer, C.S., Panke, D., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2022). „Palladium-catalyzed synthesis of mixed anhydrides via carbonylative telomerization” Catal. Sci. Technol., 12, 3992-4000, DOI: 10.1039/D2CY00486K .

  • Vondran, J., Benninghoff, T., Emminghaus, A.I., Seidensticker, T., (2022). "Catalytic Synthesis of Methyl 9,10-dihydroxystearate from Technical Feedstocks in Continuous Flow via Epoxidation and Hydrolysis". Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 124(7), DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.202200041 .
  • Huxoll, F. , Kampwerth, A. , Seidensticker, T. , Vogt, D. , Sadowski, G. (2022). "Predicting Solvent Effects on Homogeneity and Kinetics of the Hydroaminomethylation: A Thermodynamic Approach Using PC-SAFT". Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61, 5, 2323–2332, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03891 .
  • Vondran, J., Seifert, A.I., Schäfer, K., Laudanski, A., Deysen, T., Wohlgemuth, K., Seidensticker, T., (2022). "Progressing the Crystal Way to Sustainability: Strategy for Developing an Integrated Recycling Process of Homogeneous Catalysts by Selective Product Crystallization". Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61(27), 9621–9631, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c00476 .
  • Heider, C., Pietschmann, D., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2022). „Selective Synthesis of Primary Amines by Kinetic-based Optimization of the Ruthenium-Xantphos Catalysed Amination of Alcohols with Ammonia”, ChemCatChem e202200788, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202200788 .
  • Vondran, J., Peters, M., Schnettger, A,. Sichelschmidt, C., Seidensticker, T., (2022). "From tandem to catalysis – organic solvent nanofiltration for catalyst separation in the homogeneously W-catalyzed oxidative cleavage of renewable methyl 9,10-dihydroxystearate". Catal. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1039/D1CY02317A .


  • Vondran, J., Peters, M., Schnettger, A,. Sichelschmidt, C., Seidensticker, T., (2022). "From tandem to catalysis – organic solvent nanofiltration for catalyst separation in the homogeneously W-catalyzed oxidative cleavage of renewable methyl 9,10-dihydroxystearate". Catal. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1039/D1CY02317A.
  • Gladius, A. W., Vondran, J., Ramesh, Y., Seidensticker, T., Agar, D. V. (2021). "Slug flow as tool for selectivity control in the homogeneously catalysed solvent-free epoxidation of methyl oleate". J. Flow Chem. 11, 407-427, DOI: 10.1007/s41981-021-00199-6.
  • Vondran, J., Pela, J., Palczewski, D., Skiborowski, M., Seidensticker, T. (2021). "Curse and Blessing–The Role of Water in the Homogeneously Ru-Catalyzed Epoxidation of Technical Grade Methyl Oleate". ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9 (34), 11469–11478, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c03573.
  • Künnemann, K. U., Weber, D., Becquet, C., Tilloy, S., Monflier, E., Seidensticker, T., Vogt, D. (2021). "Aqueous Biphasic Hydroaminomethylation Enabled by Methylated Cyclodextrins: Sensitivity Analysis for Transfer into a Continuous Process", ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.9, 273–283, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07125.
  • Huxoll, F., Jameel, F., Bianga, J., Seidensticker, T., Stein, M., Sadowski, G., Vogt, D. (2021) "Solvent Selection in Homogeneous Catalysis—Optimization of Kinetics and Reaction Performance", ACS Catal., 11, 590–594, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c04431.


  • Terhorst, M., Kampwerth, A., Marschand, A., Vogt, D., Vorholt, A. J., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Facile catalyst recycling by thermomorphic behaviour avoiding organic solvents: a reactive ionic liquid in the homogeneous Pd-catalysed telomerisation of the renewable β-myrcene", Catal. Sci. Technol. 10, 1827–1834, DOI: 10.1039/C9CY02569C.
  • Terhorst, M., Heider, C., Vorholt, A., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Productivity Leap in the Homogeneous Ruthenium-Catalyzed Alcohol Amination through Catalyst Recycling Avoiding Volatile Organic Solvents", ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 8, 9962–9967, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c03413.
  • Künnemann, K. U., Bianga, J., Scheel, R., Seidensticker, T., Dreimann, J. M., Vogt, D. (2020). "Process Development for the Rhodium-Catalyzed Reductive Amination in a Thermomorphic Multiphase System", Org. Process Res. Dev. 24, 41–49, DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00409.
  • Künnemann,K. U., Schurm, L., Lange, D., Seidensticker, T., Tilloy, S., Monflier, E., Vogt, D., Dreimann, J. M. (2020). "Continuous hydroformylation of 1-decene in an aqueous biphasic system enabled by methylated cyclodextrins", Green Chem. 22, 3809–3819, DOI: 10.1039/D0GC00820F.
  • Herrmann, N., Köhnke, K., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Selective Product Crystallization for Concurrent Product Separation and Catalyst Recycling in the Isomerizing Methoxycarbonylation of Methyl Oleate", ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 8, 10633–10638, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c03432
  • Herrmann, N., Bianga, M. Palten, J., Riemer, T., Vogt, D., Dreimann, J. M., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Improving Aqueous Biphasic Hydroformylation of Unsaturated Oleochemicals Using a Jet‐Loop‐Reactor", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 122, 1900166 p. 1-8, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201900166
  • Bianga, J., Künnemann, K. U., Goclik, L., Schurm, L., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Tandem Catalytic Amine Synthesis from Alkenes in Continuous Flow Enabled by Integrated Catalyst Recycling", ACS Catal. 10, 6463–6472, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01465
  • Bianga, J., Kopplin, N., Hülsmann, J., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Rhodium‐Catalysed Reductive Amination for the Synthesis of Tertiary Amines", Adv. Synth. Catal. 362, 4415-4424, DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202000746
  • Bianga,J., Herrmann, N., Schurm, L., Gaide, T., Dreimann, J. M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2020). "Improvement of Productivity for Aqueous Biphasic Hydroformylation of Methyl 10‐Undecenoate: A Detailed Phase Investigation", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 122, 1900317 p. 1-7, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201900317


  • Herrmann, N., Bianga, J., Gaide, T., Drewing, M., Vogt, D., Seidensticker, T. (2019). "Aqueous biphasic hydroformylation of methyl oleate: a green solvent-only strategy for homogeneous catalyst recycling", Green Chem. 21, 6738–6745, DOI: 10.1039/C9GC02868D


  • Vogelsang, D., Dittmar, M., Seidensticker, T., Vorholt, A. J. (2018). "Palladium-catalysed carboxytelomerisation of β-myrcene to highly branched C 21 -esters", Catal. Sci. Technol.8, 4332–4337, DOI: 10.1039/C8CY00769A
  • Peters, M., Vogelsang, D., Seidensticker, T., Vogt, D., Dreimann, J. M. (2018). "Prozessintensivierung via organophiler Nanofiltration - Entwicklungen in der Rückgewinnung homogener Übergangsmetallkatalysatoren", Chem. Ing. Tech. 90, 1177, DOI: 10.1002/cite.201855101


  • Furst, M. R. L., Korkmaz, V., Gaide, T., Seidensticker, T., Behr, A., Vorholt, A. J. (2017). "Tandem Reductive Hydroformylation of Castor Oil Derived Substrates and Catalyst Recycling by Selective Product Crystallization", ChemCatChem 9, 4319–4323, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201700965


  • Seidensticker, T., Vosberg, J. M., Ostrowski, K. A., Vorholt, A. J. (2016). "Rhodium-Catalyzed Bis- Hydroaminomethylation of Linear Aliphatic Alkenes with Piperazine", Adv. Synth. Catal. 358, 610–621, DOI: 10.1002/adsc.201500896
  • Seidensticker, T., Möller, D., Vorholt, A. J. (2016). "Merger of Johnson–Claisen rearrangement and alkoxycarbonylation for atom efficient diester synthesis", Tetrahedron Lett. 57, 371–374, DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2015.12.032
  • Seidensticker, T., Busch, H., Diederichs, C., von Dincklage, J. J., Vorholt, A. J. (2016). "From Oleo Chemicals to Polymer: Bis -hydroaminomethylation as a Tool for the Preparation of a Synthetic Polymer from Renewables", ChemCatChem 8, 2890–2893, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201600629
  • Ostrowski, K. A., Vogelsang, D., Seidensticker, T., Vorholt, A. J. (2016). "Direct Synthesis of an α,ω-Diester from 2,7-Octadienol as Bulk Feedstock in Three Tandem Catalytic Steps", Chem. Eur. J. 22, 1840–1846, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201503785
  • Kämper, A., Kucmierczyk, P., Seidensticker, T., Vorholt, A. J., Franke, R., Behr, A. (2016). "Ruthenium-catalyzed hydroformylation: from laboratory to continuous miniplant scale", Catal. Sci. Technol. 6, 8072–8079, DOI: 10.1039/C6CY01374K


  • Seidensticker, T., Furst, M. R. L., Frauenlob, R., Vondran, J., Paetzold, E., Kragl, U., Vorholt, A. J. (2015). "Palladium-Catalyzed Aminocarbonylation of Aliphatic Alkenes with N,N -Dimethylformamide as an In Situ Source of CO", ChemCatChem 7, 4085–4090, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201500824


  • Jiménez-Rodriguez,C., Núñez-Magro, A. A., Seidensticker, T., Eastham, G. R., Furst, M. R. L., Cole-Hamilton, D. J. (2014). "Selective formation of α,ω-ester amides from the aminocarbonylation of castor oil derived methyl 10-undecenoate and other unsaturated substrates", Catal. Sci. Technol. 4, 2332–2339, DOI: 10.1039/C4CY00158C
  • Behr, A., Seidensticker, T., Vorholt, A. J. (2014). "Diester Monomers from Methyl Oleate and Proline via Tandem Hydroaminomethylation-Esterification Sequence with Homogeneous Catalyst Recycling using TMS-Technique", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 116, 477–485, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201300224
  • Behr, A., Rentmeister, N., Seidensticker, T., Vosberg, J., Peitz, S., Maschmeyer, D. (2014). "Highly Selective Dimerization and Trimerization of Isobutene to Linearly Linked Products by Using Nickel Catalysts", Chem. Asian J. 9, 596–601, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201301263
  • Behr, A., Rentmeister, N., Seidensticker, T., Faßbach, T. A., Peitz, S., Maschmeyer, D. (2014). "Nickel catalyzed dimerization reactions of vinylidene compounds: Head-to-head couplings and catalyst stabilization", J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 395, 355–363, DOI: 10.1016/j.molcata.2014.08.043


  • Furst,M. R. L., Seidensticker, T., Cole-Hamilton, D. J. (2013). "Polymerisable di- and triesters from Tall Oil Fatty Acids and related compounds", Green Chem. 15, 1218–1225, DOI: 10.1039/C3GC37071B

Review Articles


  • Vondran,J., Furst, M. R. L., Eastham, G., Seidensticker, T., Cole-Hamilton, D. J. (2021). „The Magic of Alpha: The chemistry of a remarkable bidentate phosphine, 1,2-bis(di-tert-butylphosphinomethyl)benzene”, Chem. Rev. 121 (11), 6610–6653, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c01254


  • Bianga, J., Künnemann, K. U., Gaide, T., Vorholt, A. J., Seidensticker, T., Dreimann, J. M., Vogt, D. (2019). "Thermomorphic Multiphase Systems - Switchable Solvent Mixtures for the Recovery of Homogeneous Catalysts in Batch and Flow Processes", Chem. Eur. J. 25, 11586–11608, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201902154


  • Herrmann, N., Vogelsang, D., Behr, A., Seidensticker, T. (2018). "Homogeneously Catalyzed 1,3‐Diene Functionalization – A Success Story from Laboratory to Miniplant Scale", ChemCatChem 10, 5342–5365, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201801362


  • Dreimann,J. M., Faßbach, T. A., Fuchs, S., Fürst, M. R. L., Gaide, T., Kuhlmann, R., Ostrowski, K. A., Stadler, A., Seidensticker, T., Vogelsang, D., Warmeling, H. W. F., Vorholt, A. J. (2017). "Vom Laborkuriosum zum kontinuierlichen Prozess. Die Entwicklung thermomorpher Lösungsmittelsysteme", Chem. Ing. Tech. 89, 252–262, DOI: 10.1002/cite.201600119


  • Seidensticker, T., Vorholt, A. J., Behr, A. (2016). "The mission of addition and fission - catalytic functionalization of oleochemicals", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 118, 3–25, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201500190
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