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The Chair of Industrial Chemistry mourns the death of extr. Prof. Jakob Jörissen

  • News category 1
Bild von Professor Jakob Sörissen © Technische Chemie​/​TU Dortmund

Jakob Jörissen was a long-time member of the BCI faculty. After his doctorate and habilitation at the Chair of Industrial Chemistry, he worked as a senior engineer at this chair until his retirement due to age. In his field of research, electrochemical technical processes, he achieved excellent results. He was particularly interested in teaching, especially in technical chemistry practical courses. He was a popular and valued teacher to the students. Due to his extraordinary merits, Jörissen was appointed associate professor of BCI at TU Dortmund University in 2006.

With Prof. Jörissen, the faculty loses a highly esteemed and universally loved colleague. Our deepest sympathy goes to his relatives.
